Seethamraju Purvaj


About Me

I am in my 4th year of 5 year dual degree. I am in the process of specializing in AIML and Theory and Systems for computing and data. I am well versed with programming, algorithm design and debugging. Im very intrigued by the porcess of learning new things. I am looking for FTE opprtunities for 2022.

  • Smart India Hackathon Finalist, 2020
  • Secured 99.5 percentile in JEE Mains 2017
  • Degree: Masters + Bachelors (Dual Degree)
  • Software Development
  • Computer Vision
  • Computer Science Research

Besides these, I'm passionate driving and knowing about cars and also an avid follower of cricket.




Education and Experience


integrated Master's in Computer Science

2017 - Current

International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore

Currently in 4th year of 5 year iMtech course. Mutliple specializations in AI & ML and Theory and sytems for computing and data.

Course Work : Programming, DBMS, Automata Theory, Operating Systems, Advanced Algorithms, Programming Languages, Software Engineering, Networking, Technical Communication, Discrete Mathematics, Machine Learning, Advanced Visual Recognition, Data Visualization, Software Testing

Additional Experience

Intern @ Web Sciences Laboratory, IIIT B

Worked on the PLE API integration project API gateway for Fall 2020.

Teaching Assistant

Assisted a class of 100 undergrad students in programming java and c++.

Teaching Assistant

Assisted a class of undergrad students in the course Design and Analysis of Algorithms.

Professional Experience

Summer Intern

May 2020 - August 2020

Light Metrics, Bengaluru, India

  • Worked to formulate procedures to reduce computational costs of deep learning models and calibration of deep learning models.
  • My work involved going through research papers and trying to implement them to infer the results on baseline models. I learnt about various ways of filter pruning in CNNs.
  • Also worked on Calibration of DL models and studied the effect of pruning on the calibration of a baseline model.

Summer Intern

May 2019 - July 2019

Wipro Technologies, Bengaluru (EC-III), India

  • Worked in the domain of computer vision applications under Dr Vinod Pathangay.
  • Main task involved developing navigation algorithms for UAVs in prebuilt simulated environments.



Face recognition based persistent attendance system developed using facenet.


Computer vision based vehicle registry system.

Car Sales Automation

Java based prototype of car sales management system which automates the process of car purchase.

PLE API Integration

Developed API gateway framework for communication between frontend and server along with MongoDB storage for the Precision Learning Portal

Program Similarity Measure

A research project took up, that deals with the solutions for finding the similarity in terms of functionality between two snippets of code.

Research in Graph theory

Currently working in research problems related to burning number in graphs.

Medical Word Embeddings

A study done to analyse the effectiveness of various methods of word embeddings for the medical domain.

Malaria Parasite Detection

A research project on the ways of detecting the cells affected Malaria Parasite using the images of cells through various comptuer vision techniques and comapring the results.

Prototype of Banking system

This was a portotype that was built using the core fearues of C and linux to simluate the banking system with persistence.



IIIT Bangalore, Karnataka


+91 98854 99348